Don't compete with yourself in Facebook ads

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Don't compete with yourself in Facebook ads
– An advanced way to reduce costs –
Usually, when you use Facebook ads, you compete with your competitors and people who use the same interests and the same audience that you are targeting, but did you know that you might compete with yourself, and increase the cost per action?
Yes, you can compete with yourself when you target the same audience in different ads. For Facebook, these ads try to reach the same audience, so the budget, quality, and content will determine which ad will reach that audience. Facebook sees your ads as competing ads, not ads for the same page.
This is what we call Audience Overlapping.
Audience Overlapping occurs when someone promotes content to similar or similar target audiences.
To put it simply, that happens when you have people in Audience 1 as well as in Audience 2, which is a completely different audience. The downside of audience overlap is not only not being able to reach different audiences and increasing your costs, but it can lead to Ad Fatigue. People see your message twice.
Facebook provides a feature or tool in the Ads Manager, exactly in the Audiences section, where you can choose two or more target audiences (up to five) and find the percentage of overlap between them. The tool helps you to find the percentage of people who are in audience X who are also in audience Z.
All you have to do is go to Audiences, choose the audiences you want to compare (up to 5), click on Actions and choose Show Audience Overlap. This tool has some limitations, in order to protect people's privacy on Facebook, the audience must be more than 1,000 people.
You can compare your Saved Audiences, Lookalike Audiences, and Custom Audiences audiences. (there are some limitations)
To prevent Overlap, try to exclude Custom Audiences, people who follow your Page, and other audiences from your new targeting.
When overlap is significant, the campaign does not produce the desired results. Try to keep the overlap small so you don't waste money and pay twice to reach the same people.


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